- Status Sold
- Sale Price $61,500
- Bed 4 Beds
- Bath 2 Baths
- Location Hyde Park
Needs work. Private seller - fast closing. Bring flashlight. Property taxes under 800 a year, 1 pin, no city violations!!! newer roof. Regular closing no short sale or foreclosure. Property will sell with clean title, no back taxes and water at 0. Broker owned property. No survey or zoning
General Info
- List Price $66,000
- Sale Price $61,500
- Bed 4 Beds
- Bath 2 Baths
- Taxes $757
- Market Time 39 days
- Year Built 1916
- Square Feet Not provided
- Assessments Not provided
- Assessments Include None
- Listed by
- Source MRED as distributed by MLS GRID
- Total Rooms 4
- Bedrooms 4 Beds
- Bathrooms 2 Baths
- Heat Gas
- Air Conditioning Central Air
- Appliances Not provided
- Parking Garage
- Age 100+ Years
- Exterior Vinyl Siding